What with this practically tropical autumn we're having, I thought it'd be a crying shame not to take full advantage of it with some thoroughly cold-inappropriate clothing. Now, don't get me wrong. - I'm certainly not saying this perfectly autumnal dark-floral co-ord is inappropriate, but more drawing attention to the fact that it's November the 1st and I'm wearing a relatively thin t-shirt and skirt with no jacket required. NO JACKET REQUIRED, PEOPLE. How on earth this possible? Make the most of this madness and throw off those coats I say! I'll be wearing my midi skirts jacket-less and with bare legs until the bitter end.
Although - that's not to say that these kinds of pieces aren't practical when the cold inevitably arrives; I'll be teaming this co-ord with some black tights, pointy boots or flats and a warm coat, perhaps with a black fur stole on top - of course, not forgetting the essential A/W berry lip!