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Monday, 26 March 2018


Faux Flowers: here. 
Mini Hurricane Lamp: here.
Mirrored Tray: here.
Trinket Box: here.
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For a lot of us, spring is a time to make changes. Whether it be a traditional spring clean, some new wardrobe additions or the dreaded and unavoidable changing of the clocks (the rubbish one where we lose an hour - but hey, lighter evenings!). Something that I like to do around this time, which I suppose ties into the stereotypical spring clean, is make a few changes to my room. I'll do some rearranging, add a handful of new decorative pieces and I might even roll my rug up and hoover UNDER it, not just around it. 

This year my spring inspired home spruce-up is a little different. A few months ago I moved into a new place and decided to pretty much start from scratch when it came to decor. I don't know whether any of you can relate to this, but the idea of sort of dismantling my room at 'home home' made me feel a little bit sad. I didn't want to go home to visit and feel like I was in a half hearted version of my much loved bedroom; the dressing table belongs there, against that particular wall. That painting (which once belonged to the grandmother I never met) lives on that dusty hook and always has. So, because of this, I started gathering together some new bits and pieces.

In the month after we moved in, I remember my boyfriend sighing and rolling his eyes every time I'd come home with a new faux flower arrangement or a decorative tray for the bathroom. (BUT I NEED SOMEWHERE TO PUT MY FACE CREAMS?!) Gradually, as I put all of these things in place and my vision started to come together, he agreed that these little details really made a massive difference to how homely the place felt. 

I'd call my preference when it comes to decor, classic and traditional - although a lot of younger folks might consider it a little old fashioned. I grew up surrounded by grandfather clocks, heavy Persian rugs and antique furniture, so that's the style I naturally favour and associate with home.

I truly believe that the little details in a home really are so important when it comes to creating a beautiful space. Especially when you're renting and either can't or don't necessarily want to bother with a big decorating project or replacing larger items of furniture. 

An area I really wanted to focus on in my new place was the dressing table - my bedroom furniture at home home is over 50 years old from Harrods, and my dressing table is one of my absolute favourite things. I tried my best to replicate this style in my new place through these newer pieces from Laura Ashley; an antique-looking mirrored tray that looks like it's come straight off my Granny's dressing table. A beautiful glass trinket box in a cut glass style - perfect for keeping hair pins and ties! A mini hurricane lamp with silver hardware, housing a lovely little tea light in the shape of a rose. A glass, square vase of faux flowers - I love a house filled with flowers but being completely honest... I was never one to water them. Faux flowers are pretty but don't come with any responsibility.

Even though these pieces are only small, they make such a difference to the feel and look of the room. As soon as I walk into the bedroom, it makes me happy and feels familiar, like home. 

Do you have a spring inspired home shake up, or a decor style that feels most like home to you? I'd love to know! 

Thank you so much to Laura Ashley for sponsoring this post.