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Sunday, 31 March 2013

Oriental Print Kimono / Neon Necklace / Black Fedora

Hello all!
I hope you're all having a wonderful Easter Sunday. 
This is what I'm wearing today (minus the hat - I think only The Queen is allowed to wear hats inside without looking incredibly silly.)
I bought this kimono style jacket about a month ago, and since then it's been displayed on one of the various hooks/rails around my bedroom that I use for displaying clothes. I'd purchased the kimono with a summery outfit in mind, but as it doesn't look like the weather will be complying with that plan anytime soon, I thought I'd try and wear it in a cold-friendly, more practical way. As well as the incredibly beautiful print, I think the silk black trim around the sleeves is such a lovely detail that makes it particularly fun to mix with other textures.
 Now I am going to go and eat an obscene amount of chocolate. Happy Easter!

Kimono Jacket, Top, Trousers, Necklace & Hat : Topshop. Fur Stole : H&M. Shoes : Matalan (shhhh..)

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Pink Boucle Jacket / Oversized Bow Blouse / Faux Fur Collar

Hello all!
After gazing longingly at my ever-increasing collection of 'spring clothes' piling up on my curtain rail (or what I like to refer to as my 'new in' rail - who needs to actually be able to see out of their window anyway?) I decided to reject this vile weather and embrace the fact that it is now officially spring by repelling the snow and brightening up the world with some pink. 
This sleeveless blouse is a new addition and now, a new favourite. (Although I do feel I look a bit reminiscent of an Easter Egg with my giant head perched atop an oversized bow...)

Jacket / Shoes : ZARA. Blouse : French Connection. Faux Fur Stole / Trousers : Topshop. Gloves : River Island.

I panic-bought this blouse on Oxford Street at 10o'clock in the morning on Tuesday, when I was due to be participating in a styling challenge for 'More!' magazine at 11o'clock. For once, I cannot blame my lack of organisation and bad timekeeping, but instead I shall point my rather disappointed finger at ASOS who failed to fulfill their promise of 'next evening delivery'. Meaning 1. I spent the evening before gazing out of the window waiting for my parcel with sad puppy eyes (you may suggest I should have created a plan B... no! I reject plan B. I only settle for plan A.) and 2. I had to style an entirely new outfit on the morning of the actual event. Uh-oh. In the end though, it all went as well as it could have gone and I'm looking forward to sharing the results with you in April! 

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Off-The-Shoulder Alice in Wonderland / Marie Antoinette Dress

Hello all!
This post seems slightly inappropriate now, as on the day these photos were taken the light was beautiful and the sky was so clear. Now, as I look to my left and out of the window it is utterly grey, dull and pouring down with rain. If nothing else I hope this post will inspire and excite you for spring/summer and the pretty colours that lie ahead!
So. This dress. Wearing it, I do feel a bit like Marie Antoinette, had showing a considerable amount of leg been considered acceptable in the 18th century. I admit I nearly had a breakdown with joy when I saw it. It was one of those 'I have never seen anything so perfect' moments - so much so, that a passing employee stopped and longingly said 'It's amazing isn't it?' and we just stood together and gazed at it in silence for what was probably definitely a weirdly long amount of time. It's unusual for me to be wearing no jewellery or accessories, so I've also listed the brand and shade of lipstick I'm wearing below if anyone's interested. I hope you love it as much as I do.

Dress : Topshop. Lipstick : Yves Saint Laurent 'Pink Lingerie'.

I've also decided to make this Part 1 of a 2 part post - which will be tip-toeing along the 'Splurge verses Save' lines (despite the fact I actually find that phrase/concept completely abhorrent. Just how repulsive is the word 'splurge'?) Part 1, the more costly version is this Topshop dress, and Part 2 will feature a less costly but equally lovely similar design from Motel. 

Thursday, 14 March 2013

London Fashion Week Outfit 2 : Checked Trousers / Pyjama Jacket

Hello all!
I'm back this evening with a super-quick post accompanied by probably the fewest photos you will ever see in an outfit post from me. We all know that the dress code for London Fashion Week is non-existant.. and here I am, looking like I've just come from playing a round of golf. Anything goes.
I apologise for the fact that you've seen this outfit before (with different hairstyle & shoes!) but if anything you can be assured that I do actually wear my 'blog outfits' out in the real world... 

Shirt & Jacket : ZARA. Trousers & Shoes : Topshop. Sunglasses : Mui Mui. Bow-Tie : ASOS.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Exposed Zip Pencil Skirt / Polo Neck Top / Vintage Gold Chain

Hello all!
At the risk of sounding like I'm really bad at small talk / a pensioner / a Springwatch presenter ... how incredibly beautiful is this weather we've been having? I fully intended yesterday to comprise of nothing but sitting inside surrounded by papers, working on my university assignments - as you can see, I didn't quite succeed. This is outfit number 2 of 3 for my styling project with Voucher Codes (you can see Outfit 1 here!) As I said along with my first outfit, Voucher Codes challenged me to buy 3 items, creating an outfit around each piece - fitting under the two categories I chose; 'Modern 60s' and 'Monochrome'. 
Being a Mad Men fan, creating the 'Modern 60s' look was the one I've been the most excited about. Initially, I planned to practice some wide-eyed expressions and seek out a geometric pattern a la Twiggy but decided that the opportunity of dressing up as a modern version of Mad Men office-goddess Joan Holloway might be too fun to pass up. So, I created this outfit around this futuristic, secretarial pencil skirt with an exposed zip detail.

p.s. I've finally given in and created a Facebook page for my blog, although with Arabella being my actual name.. inviting my friends to 'please like Arabella' doesn't exactly sound great..

 Top, Belt & Skirt : River Island c/o Voucher Codes. Necklace : Vintage. Sunglasses : c/o eBay. Earrings : Topshop. Shoes : ZARA.

P.S. I'm aware the necklace is decidedly more 80s (it actually belonged to my mother!) but I couldn't resist incorporating it! I would also not recommend this belt to you... despite it's beautifulness, you can see from the photos that the size SMALL (?!) is too big for my waist by a good couple of inches so I'll have to return it, which is ridiculous and disappointing. ALSO, Beehive-making is so much harder than it looks. I definitely need some tips from beehive queen Olivia.

Friday, 1 March 2013

London Fashion Week : Outfit 1 - Pleated Organza Skirt

Hello all!
 I've been so excited to share my first outfit of London Fashion Week, at long last! It seemed quite perfectly timed when I was contacted by Voucher Codes just before LFW began, asking me if I'd like to take part in a styling activity. The activity entailed them allowing me a budget of £80 and sending me out on my merry way to find 3 items from high street stores, that I could style into 3 different outfits - which had to fit under various 'trend' categories. I couldn't choose between my two favourites and so went for 'Modern 60s' (coming soon!) AND 'Monochrome'.

I don't naturally sway towards the 'simplistic' look when it comes to dressing myself - so when I happened upon this beautiful creation; the pleated, organza panel midi skirt, I set myself a challenge to try and create an outfit around it that was quite understated and simple, but still striking in it's contrast and structure.  I'd love to know your thoughts! 

Skirt : Topshop c/o Voucher Codes. Top : Topshop. Shoes : Zara. Bag & Earrings : Chanel. Sunglasses : Miu Miu.

P.S. Much love and thanks to Bianca and Unnamed-but-Well-Dressed-Older-Man for taking my photographs!