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Sunday, 13 October 2013

Dogtooth Coat with Leather Sleeves / Plum Fedora / Checked Shirt

Coat : ZARA. Hat : Whistles. Necklace : Accessorize. Shoes & Faux Fur Collar : ASOS. Shirt : Primark. Trousers : Topshop.

Hello all!
You may or may not know, I have trouble finding hats that fit my somewhat bulbously large head (if you follow me on Twitter you'll definitely know this because I spend 60% of my time whinging about it.) I've always been a big fan of hats and in the last year it seems that everyone and their Aunt Mildred has bought a Topshop fedora. However, since these hats are 'one size fits all' (this is a despicable and hurtful lie) I'd been scouring the internet for that elusive size L. I eventually found and ordered three Whistles fedoras in various colours, all size M/L. Strangely enough, only the plum colour fits me despite all being labelled as the same size. It's a mystery, but I'm planning a trip to a Whistles store to right this wrong.

Moving on from my head, I've been back at uni for 3 full weeks now and so am trying to acclimatise myself to a living-away-from-home student budget. It's not going well so far but I'm trying. In an attempt to cut costs I ventured into Primark and found this shirt, a lovely pair of pointed toe heels and an adorable tartan dress, both of which I will be sharing with you in due course. This may even be the first time I've featured Primark on my blog as quite frankly the cavernous-ness of the shop and the size-8-garment-on-size-14-hanger situation frightens me quite deeply. Anyway, I'm incredibly pleased with my new Primark purchases and will definitely be exploring the store more often. What do you think of the whole Primark shopping experience?

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Black Lace Sleeve Dress / Autumnul Floral Headpiece

Dress : c/o Gorgeous Couture. Belt : ASOS.  Headpiece : Rock N' Rose

Hello all!

Firstly I'd like to apologise for the rather sparse blog posts as of late. I've just finished my first week into my 3rd year at university, and also the first week living in my new shared house. I'm hoping to get into the routine of roping someone into photographing my outfits a few times a week whilst I'm there and editing them when I can. 
Anyway, before I assume the usual leather trousers + shirt + long coat +fur stole infallible winter during-semester combo, I was rather pleased to have an opportunity to dress up, and dress up I did in this beautiful Gorgeous Couture Dress. The lace of the in particular is perfectly detailed; I'm crossing my fingers for a chance to wear this in the near future and I couldn't resist adding this beautifully autumnal floral headpiece; we all know I like to overdress for every occasion but it's not exactly daywear appropriate.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

LFW Day 5 Outfit : Pink Coat / Emerald Jewellery / Black Faux Fur

Coat, Top & Necklace : ZARA. Fur Collar : ASOS. Earrings & Skirt : Topshop.  Umbrella : Accessorise. 

Hello all!

I'm writing this from my new room for the next 7 months, in my new house at university where I start my 3rd and final year tomorrow! (If you want to see any photos of my room, check my instagram @arabellagolby) 
I'd been accumulating various bits and pieces over the last month or so that I hadn't got around to styling into an outfit. My little collection included; a beautiful pink coat, a blouse with a leather collar (purchased in a Parisian Zara which somehow makes it even more exciting), an incredibly OTT necklace and some equally extravagant green earrings. They'd all been sitting around being admired but going unworn  So, on the 5th day of London Fashion Week I just decided to chuck them (couldn't think of a more elegant word than 'chuck') all on at once. Voila. As it turns out, it's by far one of my favourite outfits, ever. It's just the perfect mixture of everything that I love. Pink, emerald green, obnoxiously large jewels, fur (faux, of course) leather, collars, midi skirts, checks AND to top it all off, my favourite weather; rain. My friend Bianca and I truly had to battle with the elements to capture these photos - we were well and truly sodden by the time we reached the new american fast food chain 'Shake Shack' in Covent Garden where we'd planned to have a late lunch. I think it's safe to say that we were slightly overdressed for the occasion. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

LFW Day 1 Outfit : Tartan Suit / Pointed Heels / Umbrella...

Hello all!

You might already know I'm quite a fan of the feminine-androgynous look. By 'feminine androgynous', which seems a bit contradictory - I mean I enjoy taking something quite traditionally masculine, like a suit, and adding particularly feminine elements like a pussybow blouse, cat eye sunglasses and a ribbon tied into a bow on the end of a plait - as I've done here! If you've been monitoring the London Fashion Week coverage you'll be aware of the weather situation. I saw someone tweet a couple of days ago; 'LFW = London Flood Weed.' It's true. It poured. I'd brought my goes-with-everything black umbrella, and with hair tightly contained in the high-plait there wasn't much chance of a frizz flare-up, so I wasn't too concerned, I actually found it quite pleasantly atmospheric. This was a last minute outfit decision although I'd had this suit hanging up on my 'new in' rail for about a week, and I adore it. The shoes however, are deadly (yet beautiful) in a way that is difficult to describe. A feeling I had not experienced from shoes. I said to various people throughout the day who inquired after the wellbeing of my feet - that they weren't painful on my feet, but on my calves  Oh my god my calves. They should market these shoes as a device for calf-toning. 

I was also so happy to see lots of blogger friends, and to make new ones! (I'm looking at you, Becca, Amy & Naomi!)

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Un-Coordinated Co-ords / Cobalt Blue Boucle Jacket

Shirt & Trousers : c/o Laura Ashley. Earrings : ZARA. Shoes : Matalan (!!) Jacket : ASOS. Atrocious posture when seated : stylists own.

Hello all!
Seeing as a large proportion of my bedroom is an homage to Laura Ashley interiors, I was rather excited when I was contacted by them asking if I'd style some of their fashion pieces.
I've been really excited to photograph the items I chose for a kind of fun 'back to school / college' look - perhaps minus the heels for the purpose of getting to lectures on time. I paired the shirt and trousers together because they create something in-between clashing prints and co-ords, both of which I love. Although it's the same print in the sense that the shapes are identical, the colours are reversed, so I picked out the red within the diamonds on the trousers with some similarly coloured shoes, topping it off with an almost obnoxiously blue boucle jacket and some standard OTT earrings.

On another note, this friday (so, tomorrow!) I'm curating and taking part in a Blogger Style Show at The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford for 'Dress Up! Live Friday at The Ashmolean'. As well as the show I'm organising (which will repeat 3 times throughout the night so you can't miss it!) there'll also be a runway show and an amazing couture-style exhibition with live fashion sketching, to name just a few of the highlights. Oh, and it's completely free to attend - so if any of you live in the Oxford area I would absolutely love to see some smiling faces tomorrow evening! You can see more about the event by clicking here.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Pussybow Blouse / Contrast Panel Skirt / Wide Brim Hat

Hello all!
Here's another one of the outfits I wore on a scorchingly hot day in Paris. 'Wasn't your head too hot?!' I hear you ask. Well, the answer is yes, yes it was. Let's just say it reached the point where I could either allow my brain to cook or unleash severe hat hair. I actually opted for the brain cooking option in the end. As for the rest of the outfit, I wore this to walk along the Seine, have lunch (baguettes, of course) at a street cafe and then visit Notre Dame. I felt I couldn't go to Paris without mixing my favourite pussybow blouse in there somewhere. It was definitely one of my less colourful looks, but I really liked the contrast between the black/white and red lipstick. I'm also semi-ashamed to admit that one of my Paris highlights was happening across THE bridge from the film Anastasia, where these outfit photos were taken. Please let me know if you recognise it/appreciate!

If you scroll down to the 'holiday snap' type photos you'll see I've included a quite frankly unnecessary number of puppies-in-pet-shop pictures. I hope you enjoy / squirm with cuteness-overload.

Blouse : c/o French Connection. Skirt & Belt : ASOS. Hat & Earrings : H&M. Bag : Vintage.  Shoes : ZARA. Sunglasses : Miu Miu c/o Sunglasses Shop.