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Sunday, 23 December 2012

Monochrome Shirt / Silk Ribbon Hat / Pleated Leather Skirt

Hello all! 
I must begin by apologising yet again for my inconsistent day v. night photographs. Our English winter evenings are driving me quite mad, as usually I'm able to get away with taking half of my photos at 11am and the rest at 6pm, but not anymore. Now you know my secret.
I cannot praise this pleated (faux) leather skirt by Lashes of London more highly. My first, trusty version of this skirt has been well and truly shunned in favour of it's better-fitting, better-looking replacement. Contrary to most skirts/shorts/trousers in my size, it fits my waist perfectly and I've already worn it about six times since receiving it a week ago - which for me and my vast wardrobe is truly quite a feat!
So, I hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas already! (Although I must admit that our Christmas Tress isn't even up yet... uh oh.)

Skirt :  c/o Lashes of London. Shirt : ZARA. Hat : Ted Baker. Bag : Chanel. Rings : Granny's, ASOS & Topshop. Shoes : Matalan (shh...)

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Chinoiserie Print Jacquard Suit / Oversized Ruffle Blouse

Hello all! 
I hadn't really noticed until uploading these photographs how accidentally festive this outfit is! (and before anyone asks, yes I have worn this out - to a dinner party in fact, where I fully intended to draw on an accompanying yet distinguished moustache but never got round to it.) 
Quite SUITable for the festive season don't you agree? Ho ho ho. I'm hilarious ridiculous.
You'll know how much of a lover I am of all things 'femininely androgynous' and some may say, quite a 'school uniform/office-esuqe' style - i.e. girls in suits & bow ties, of course. So I seem to have inadvertently combined these loves with my love of the festive season. Red, white, gold and green; I couldn't think of a colour combination Father Christmas would approve of more. I particularly enjoy challenging people to a fencing duel whilst wearing this shirt. I feel quite like the 4th musketeer or the Countess of Monte Cristo. 

Suit : Topshop. Blouse : ZARA. Earrings : ASOS. Shoes : Matalan (?!)

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Chanel Earrings / Boucle Jacket / Miu Miu Sunglasses

Hello all!
Today, I thought I'd share an outfit which includes three new birthday pieces I picked up with my mother on my birthday-day shopping spree; a beautiful, black Zara boucle jacket with white flecks, military-esque silver buttons and the occasional bronze sequin, Miu Miu tortoiseshell sunglasses & my new prized possessions; a pair of gold Chanel earrings I recieved from my very generous and lovely Grandmother.
You might notice that the photos below switch from day lit London to the night time traditional garden setup - the reason being, the camera was running low on battery so I waited until I arrived home that evening to take some 'detail' shots.
So, I'm happy to say that the 'new in' section of my wardrobe is well and truly stocked up and I won't be doing any much shopping for the foreseeable future! (That's a lie and we all know it.)

Jacket : ZARA. Sunglasses : Miu Miu. Shirt & Trousers : Topshop. Earrings & Bag : Chanel.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Yellow Blazer, Scarf Print Shirt & Platform Brogues (I'm 21 today!)

Hello all!
So... today is my 21st birthday! I can hardly believe it. I've been joking throughout the week "it all goes downhill from here..." so let's wait and see shall we! I've never been through a 'mad teenage' phase and so am slightly worried I was going to wake up and have turned into a petulant beast a la Kevin from Kevin & Perry. (If you don't know what Kevin & Perry is, click here and be enlightened..)
To start of my birthday celebrations, on Thursday evening I had dinner and drinks at The May Fair in London with my best friend Kate, and these photos were taken last night when I went out for a family meal (where my well-meaning father had sneakily arranged for the entire restaurant to serenade me with 'Happy Birthday' - cringe is not a strong enough word.) Today, I've been shopping in London with my mother and as I've scheduled this to go up at 6pm, will currently be indulging in my annual never-ceasing tradition of 'party tea'. I am not ashamed to say that by 'party tea' I literally mean children's party food. Loving life. 

Jacket : ZARA. Shirt : ASOS. Trousers & Shoes 'STUNNER' : Topshop. Necklace : Etsy. Earrings & Bag : Chanel.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Motel Bloggers Christmas Party

Hello all! 
On Monday night I had the most amazing evening at the Motel Bloggers Christmas Showcase Party (what a mouthful) - and it was definitely one of my most enjoyable blogger events yet! In fact, I feel like I was having a such a lovely time, I barely took any pictures.. although you may disagree when you scroll down. I also brought Kate with me, my best friend since I was 11 - who I love very much (see photo directly below!) 
A particular highlight of the evening for me was having my hair done by Lee Stafford himself - the entire time I was just like THIS IS MY LIFE (apart from I'm never as hot as Anne Hathaway at the end.) I had complete trust in him, although, as there was no mirror, when he started putting rollers in I was having visions of THIS MOMENT. Enough Princess Diaries references.. I'm 21, not 12! (in one week..)
There were so many beautiful clothes, cocktails and canapés, and it was also wonderful to meet so many lovely bloggers in real life; Michelle, Aisling, Lydia, Nishita, Lexi, Kaori, Lauren, Kim, Jo, Maria, ChelseaJade & Jai'me! (Huge apologies if I've missed anyone out!) 

Jacket : ZARA. Shirt & Trousers : Topshop. Embellished Bow-Tie : ASOS. Bag : Chanel. (Hair Ribbon : probably the ribbon off an old GlossyBox..)

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Cut Out Maxi Dress / Pearl and Crystal Cape (at the Love Event!)

Hello all!
On Thursday evening I attended Love's 'Next Top Designer' Competition, where I acted as a 'blogger judge' for the evening! I was overjoyed when I realised that this meant I'd have the chance at long last to wear a rather daring love dress that had been hanging in my wardrobe just waiting for the opportune moment, but ALSO that I would, by attending, be able to meet the very lovely ladies; Megan, Steph, SophieLyzi, Kim and last but certainly not least, Paige (who's incredible dress design was in the final 5!) 
As I'm sure you all know, I am really not one to wear anything too risqué/'figure hugging' (at least not in public.. in the daytime.. in front of other humans, at least) purely because I find it a bit too 'cheeky' - there is a time and a place for these things! So I was surprised to say the least when I found myself drawn to this black cut-out maxi dress with structured shoulders. Of course, I had to add an eye-catching accessory in the form of this pearl and crystal cape, to detract attention from.. well, we're all friends here so let's be honest.. the chest area. 
I was also so pleased that two of the girls I'd given away tickets for the event to managed to make it; Cath & Ami (who as it turns out, coincidentally had once worked a shift with me in the Topshop I work in!!) 

Dress : c/o Love. Pearl & Crystal Cape : River Island. Shoes : Topshop 'Shackles'.