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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy New Year from Singapore!

Hello all, and Happy New Year!

I hope you've all been having a wonderful festive period, whether you celebrate Christmas or not. This December, I've been back in Singapore (long-time readers may remember my last trip a couple of years ago!) since mid December visiting family again, and I write this to you from 30 degree heat - so, naturally it's important that my New Year's Eve outfit be relatively cool and climate-appropriate. Unsurprisingly, my choices were rather hindered by my taste and this criteria. I'd usually go for something with sleeves and perhaps a voluminous skirt with some netting. In this weather - that's a no-no. So when ASOS kindly offered to send me an outfit for New Year's Eve - I was off like a shot to scour the website. After much perusing, I found this little darling. It's lightweight, non-restrictive, beautifully patterned fabric will keep me cool whilst it's ingenious built-in support around the structured chest area will keep me... thoroughly in place, shall we say? The fabric is also excellently 'stiff' (strange compliment I realise but bear with) which is important to me when it comes to a short skirt - it'll keep the skirt pointing at the floor, rather than up around my head when the wind blows. An important feature when I'll be taking in the NYE fireworks from a rooftop here in Singapore! No one wants to see in the new year along with my bottom. 

On that note, Happy New Year to you all from Singapore! Usual posts will resume when I'm back in the UK early January.

Finally, amongst our celebrations tonight let's try and take a moment to think of those who were on board Air Asia flight QZ8501, as well as their family members who will be starting the new year without their loves ones.

Dress: c/o ASOS. Earrings: c/o ASOS (out of stock - but I'd also wear these with this outfit!)

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Feeling Festive; Tartan Cape, Pussybow Blouse, Pointed Loafers

Hello all and Happy December!

It's no secret that I've had rather a thing for capes for years now, but, suddenly they have been deemed 'in' and this means there are capes-a-plenty across a huge variation of brands which I've been taking full advantage of. As well as that, it also means a lot of other people are now wearing them, which is obviously the nature of 'fashion' - things are 'in', then they're out, and I can't complain about that. I'm not someone who's often felt 'in' or 'cool' but in this instance I can't deny that I enjoy feeling somewhat smug that I was already on this bandwagon before it drove off. 

I've been more than a little lacklustre when it comes to posting outfits on my blog recently, so I'm kicking things off for winter with this rather festive ensemble, featuring a cape and pussy bow - what I'd call my 'signature look' (pause for vomit noises/cringing). I often feel a bit school-girlish in the way I dress and that's not at all intentional, I just enjoy dressing in a rather tailored, put-together manner somewhat reminiscent of a school uniform (my Granny often tells me I look 'smart'). Here I'm wearing an absolute new treasure of mine - this tartan cape, which has been my go-to colourful coat of the season. With it, I wore a pair of pointed black loafers with a 'pony hair' detail (not entirely sure I'm describing that accurately, but do we all know what I mean?) which I loved so much, I also bought the patterned version! I wore this outfit about a week ago whilst having a good old chinwag (pause for appreciation of the word 'chinwag) with Charlotte - who kindly took these photos for me in one of my favourite, most-frequented blog photo locations of all time. I just really enjoy the contrast in colours and crispness of this outfit - it's very much an eye catcher. 

Do you wear a lot of colour in the winter, or are you more of a black and white kind of person? Please let me know!

Monday, 1 December 2014

All Wrapped Up with Cath Kidston

Hello all!

December has arrived! You know what that means? CHRISTMAS of course! (and it just so happens to be my birthday today, too...) If you're not already feeling the festivity (I always appreciate alliteration, hohoho!) I've got something to share with you that will hopefully leave you feeling jolly enthused for the festive season ahead. 

Of course, you will all have heard of Cath Kidston. Be it in the form of a tote bag, a duvet cover or a pencil case, I'm fairly certain that at one time or another we've all had our mitts on something featuring one of Cath Kidston's famous floral prints. (In fact, when I was at school a Cath Kidston pencil case was the only pencil case to be seen with.) 

So to gee us all up, Cath Kidston have created 'All Wrapped Up'; a charming, funny little festive film made in order to help us all out this Christmas in regards to the tricky old business of present buying. In the short animation (complete with alarm-enducing banana - don't ask, just watch) we're not only shown what happens in the unfortunate event a present falls into the wrong hands, but also just how easy it can be to find something perfect to put under the tree for everyone this Christmas, be it Mum, Dad, Sibling, Grandparents, that rather awkward office Secret Santa and even the family pooch. 

So, I hope you enjoy this little film. Please do let me know if you find it helpful, and if you'd like to see the musings of others, use and take a look at the hashtag #XmasWrappedUp.

Please note; This is a sponsored post. I very rarely accept sponsored posts and I only do if they are from brands that are in keeping with my blog, that I genuinely like. So, I hope this doesn't bother you. I've always been honest with you if a post is sponsored and I always will be. If you'd like to hear more about what a sponsored post is and what my thoughts/policies are on them, please take a look at my 'About' tab.