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Friday, 30 October 2015

Red Suede and Victoriana Blouse - Two Trends in One

Coat: Vintage - alternative here. | Skirt: Zara - sold out - alternative here.  | Pearl Ring: c/o Gemporia. | Blouse - here. | Earrings: | Dior - alternative here.

In this outfit, I'm attempting to check off two of the season's biggest trends in one single item, in the form of this suede, button down skirt. The first, suede. Obviously, suede has been pretty huge this A/W; suede jackets, suede skirts, suede boots - all suede everything/everythang (definitely not cool enough to get away with saying everythang). The second, the button down skirt - with poppers specifically, not actual buttons as the name would suggest. Suddenly tearing off your own skirt has never been more easy or hilariously dramatic. Both of these items have infiltrated the high street in huge numbers, which means two things - sure, a lot of people are also wearing them, but more positively - the fact that so many stores are creating their own versions means it's even more likely you'll find a version that you like/suits you. 

Below I've put together a little collection of my favourite button-down skirts.

You can probably also tell from the photos that I'm overwhelmed with happiness - this is because black tights weather is finally upon us. I do love summer, but I yearn for the days when I can wear a mini-skirt without feeling almost entirely inappropriately dressed. There's just something about black tights that makes everything look and feel more safe and snug. No accidental flashing here. 


  1. I'm so happy it's tight season too - nothing better than popping those on and layering socks ontop and tucking into boots *eye-heart-emoji* I really love the skirt, the style, cut and colour is just gorgeous! x

    Lucy Amelia | flawedfairytale

    1. Hahaha you're so right!! It's so cosy and nice. Aw thank you! :) x

  2. I'm loving this outfit! So classic and elegant! :)

    Dani | www.styledvariety.com

  3. Love this outfit and that first photo of you is especially stunning! <3

    Andini xx | Adventures of an Anglophile 

    1. Thank you Andini! Thank you for reading :) x

  4. I love this outfit so much! I love the ring too x
    Louise | helloteddy.co.uk

  5. Such a lovely outfit! I'm rubbish when it comes to layering up and looking stylish at the same time, so this post os so useful for when I visit somewhere cold!


    1. Oh I'm so glad! Thank you for your lovely comment :) x

  6. Your coat is so cute, love it with the skirt

  7. This is such a lovely outfit and love the skirt. Also I agree with the tights but can't really wear them in my weather but they are lovely.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

    1. Thank you :D Oh I'm quite jealous that you have such lovely weather though! Tights are the one silver lining of cold, grey England! x

  8. Love this! you looks so pretty xx

  9. Enjoy your article...very beautiful and pretty!


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