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Sunday, 8 January 2017

My Jungle Formalwear

Dress: here. Bag: c/o Bulgari. Pearls: Yonamine Pearls, purchased in Japan - VERY similar here. Shoes: here.
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Welcome back, and Happy New Year to you all! I arrived home from Singapore at 5:30am yesterday, and after a ridiculously long sleep I've hit the ground running. I'm feeling happy and filled with a real enthusiasm for the year ahead, what I want to achieve and the changes I want to make.

Imagine the humidity, the jungle-esque tropical greenery and the cicadas buzzing in the background. That's the image I want you to keep in your mind as you read this - but first, let me explain. These photos certainly were a palaver. As you may have seen me mention on Instagram, these photos were shot on my new camera and new lens (hopefully you'll notice the difference) and being the gung -ho, no-manual-needed rebel that I am, we shot in the wrong setting and when I came to edit them, my laptop was not having any of it. NONE OF IT. They just wouldn't upload onto blogger no matter how many different ways and programs we used to resize them. I even called my brother into action on our Christmas Day, and even he, who served as our family's household techie for much of my life, couldn't fully solve the problem. It felt like such a disappointment as I really loved how these photos turned out, and as a total last chance saloon style act of desperation, I plugged the card into my usual desktop computer at home... lo and behold, they worked and here we are...

Because of that, I hope you'll forgive the slightly over indulgent number of photos and I also hope you'll leave me a comment to let me know what you think! 

Onto the photos themselves which have been quite overshadowed by the drama surrounding them. If you've been familiar with me for a year or two, you'll probably know that every December I travel to Singapore to visit family for Christmas and New Year. This year was particularly special because it was my Granny's 90th birthday. For the momentous occasion, we decided to recreate one of her favourite previous birthday celebrations; dinner at Singapore's most well known hotel, Raffles - a place where we have so many lovely memories. So, despite the tropical heat, the men dressed in black tie and us ladies put on our best dresses. I helped Granny with her make up and we headed off to dinner. The building itself is stunning, the staff can't do enough, the food was magnificent and the pianist even took requests! To make things even more special, my uncle had also booked Granny's favourite magician who performed at the table for us after dinner. 

This is what I wore for the occasion - a look that my brother and uncle both referred to as very 'throwback', something that you'd have seen a lady wearing at Raffles in the hotel's heyday. However, I'll let you in on a secret. This was just a recreation. The night at Raffles was Granny's night, and I didn't want to spend time away from her taking photos, so the following day I got all dressed up again! It was worth it to have more time with my family and I think that in the end, the photos came out wonderfully!

Finally, thank you for all of the support and encouragement you showed me last year. I appreciate each and every one of you who takes the time to read here, like my Instagram photos and watch my videos. I'm so excited for what's to come this year and I hope you are too. 


  1. Happy New Year to you Arabella and all your family. You look very beautiful and stunning. I love this dress so much.



  2. Happy New Year Arabella! Wishing you every happiness for the year ahead. You couldn't have looked more beautiful if you tried....despite the saga. Congratulations too your Granny on 90 years....she is blessed to live such a long life. Regards, Deb

  3. They were so worth the wait as they are such gorgeous pictures Arabella. I love the tropical Christmas since I am living in Manila at the moment and I so understand the weather. I adore the color of the dress and the ruffles how it spins make you such a princess. Also I did notice the quality so the new camera and lens sure makes a difference.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

  4. Tu porte la très belle robe ma jolie ! J'adore !

  5. Tech problems possibly the bane of my existence! All was worth it,lovely shots.I love the blue/green dress 👗
    DRESS the PART

  6. You look incredibly classy Arabella, how stunning is this elegant dress, pretty bad and dainty shoes.

    A beautiful look and the colour really suits you also.

    Laura xo

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